
So to most people this post is going to seem really insignificant, primarily because it's going to be about a tape recorder. Specifically, that tape recorder.
Few days ago my friend and I were hanging out, and we decided to go hang out in her shed, among other things. We sat down, her on this bed, me on a chair adjacent, and looked around.
This shed is tiny, bright pink and blue, and decorated in the tackiest of fashions, but on purpose.
Sitting on the middle of this bed, is a tape recorder.
She picks it up and turns it on, and we start listening.
It's a conversation she had with one of our best friends, her ex boyfriend, and another friend of ours.
We sat there, in a daze, and became mesmerized.
It was the day of the wind storm, and we sat silently, our only view of the outside a small window, through which the tips of treetops were visible, flailing in the wind, and a large hole where the doorknob should be in her door.
The conversation was mundane, but it was two years old, and reflecting on the past really made some things in the present, seem.. I don;t know how to describe it properly.
Anyways, after a while she clicked the fast forward button, because we decided to tape ourselves for a while and then forget about it or something.
She would click the fast forward, and this terrible, high pitched whirring sound would happen, as the tape skipped ahead, and it would fill up the shed, even the holes. Then she would let go, and we would hear a word, or a sentence. Maybe some laughter.
We sat, more or less silent, for a very long time.
It was magic.

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