
Been thinking a lot about the movie eternal sunshine of the spotless mind lately.
It's a beautiful movie, and Jim Carrey actually acts, and acts well in it.
The reason I've been thinking about it is because I had an experience recently that was wonderful,
but ended, well painfully to say the least.
I can't decide if I wish it hadn't happened, so I could've been spared the pain,
or if I am glad it did happen because of the experience in itself and the fact that I learned from it.
As a normal human being I don't like feeling hurt, or missing someone,
so obviously I'm more inclined to say wipe my brain, I don't want to remember it.
but at the same time holding onto these fragments of memory give me a solace of some sort.
I'm sure most people go through this, whether it's a relationship or just an encounter,
I just don't know how to deal with it
and I don't know if I regret it.

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