
I don't think that it's the end,
but I know we can't keep going.
I don't think that it's the end,
but I know we can't keep going.
Cause Blue Skies are coming, but I know that it's hard.


That ain't enough no; you want me to run.
My cousin somehow managed to evade the classic mirror shot.
My grandfather has all these really old beautiful books and these are a few that
made me drool. Yes, I am in love with lit.

Sure, you’ve got a handle on the past
It’s why you keep your little lovers in your lap
Give a little more than you like
Pick apart the past, you’re not going back
Don't you waste your time.
I'm about to leave to White Rock, where a friends having a birthday party.
Sort of nervous, a lot of people going I haven't seen for a while.
Fortunately, it is the most beautiful insanely windy day and I can't be brought down from my oxygen high.
Today I had a family easter dinner thing. My relatives from Saskwatchewan were over, as well as my aunts, and I got to talk to my grade ten cousin, which was interesting because i rarely see her and marking her growth is very.. intriguing. Also my grandfather has a degree in philosophy (he was a banker though) and has hundreds of books from the eighteen and nineteen hundreds. Classics. My lit teacher would die, i was looking at shakespeare and paradise lost that was almost two hundred years old.
here are some images.

The next are a series of photographs by little brother took of me after stealing my camera. Yes, he was upside down under a table while taking many of them.

Hopefully a reference to this summer.
Today I painted quite a bit.

Do you ever pre-emptively miss someone?

Isn't it incredible the power that a thought,
or possibilitly,
can contain?

Been playing super smash with my brother and his best friend(slash my best friend right damon?)
for the last three hours or so. This song was on repeat.


Note to self: watch this movie and talk to Dylan more often.

This is my dog/best friend by the way. her name is ginger, she is from taiwan. we have had her for three months now. we rescued her and i am very glad we did.
Spring can be the cruelest of months
but bringing in your life
yeah we're promising so much
like the pledge that you gave when you said that you'd always love me
but we both know by autumn you're like the color of leaves

And the stars shining through our window
and the stars shining through our window
and it's been awhile since I stared at the stars
yeah it's been awhile since I stared at the stars

This is where I am sitting right now.. it is definitely the one spot in my house where I feel the most at peeace. Yesterday I sat here reading out of my history textbook and listening to sigur ros til very very late into the night. Right now I am sitting here listening to Broken Bells and knowing that I have a million books to read for Lit and seriously contemplating read said books but more interested in catching up with the internets.
slash in a while.
love them please.
This is why I am friends with Jessie.
(comments pertaining to the above image)


Tash K BUMS!

J i really do like bums.

Tash K And sigur ros.. so basically that's as ideal of an album as it can get..

J I would be overjoyed if I sat at my deathbed at the ripe old age of 95 and had an image like this to represent my life.Bucketlist high priority item number one: run naked through sunny area with group of people and have someone photograph it.

Tash You have no idea how much I feel exactly the same way.
Do you ever notice
how lights drop like stones
linger on the precipice
the magic of their solidity
a part of you
that forgets to work
and, be.

Today is our school's semi-formal. I never intended to go, and I forgot about it until I went on facebook an hour ago, but after my friend left earlier, I decided to take my bike out for the first time this spring to watch the sunset down this old country road near my house. When our schools grad cruise took place I also came here, and it was a salvation of sorts.
Today was wonderful; the air was crisp, and I was alone.
At first I was biking leisurely (keep in mind that I don't even have a bike, I use my dad's and it's covered in rust) and taking my time, but when I got to the long road and saw that stretch, that expanse of seemingly flawless land, and the sunset, I started really biking, fast, until my legs hurt. It was wonderful. I was using these headphones that only work in one ear, so in one ear I was listening to this:
and in the other ear I was listening to the noises of nature.
I can't even
It felt like I'd been hibernating, that's what I hate about winter, it's indoors, and metal and cars and heaters, electricity and computers, everything so contrived, but in weather like this, I haven't turned on lights in my room for days, and you connect. I don't care if you're not religous, everyone has a bond with nature. It is omnipresent and beautiful.
These are the pictures I took.

You better watch your soul, it'll leave you like a hundred bucks.

 I pack my case. I check my face.
I look a little bit older.
I look a little bit colder.
With one deep breath, and one big step, I move a little bit closer.
I move a little bit closer.
For reasons unknown.
History Essay, read the entire textbook yesterday/this morning.
ask me anything about god damn rakosi.


I am by no means an Ayn Rand enthusiast, but I find this interesting/accurate.

A philosophic system is an integrated view of existence. As a human being, you have no choice about the fact that you need a philosophy. Your only choice is whether you define your philosophy by a conscious, rational, disciplined process of thought and scrupulously logical deliberation -- or let your subconscious accumulate a junk heap of unwarranted conclusions, false generalizations, undefined contradictions, undigested slogans, unidentified wishes, doubts and fears, thrown together by chance, but integrated by your subconscious into a kind of mongrel philosophy and fused into a single, solid weight: self-doubt, like a ball and chain in the place where your mind's wings should have grown. Ayn Rand

My mother's in the hospital, my sister's at the opera
I'm in love, but let's not talk about it
There's so much to tell you.
Well blogspot is being a bitch, and it won't let me post this mediocre thing I wrote about society (basically i used every word in my vocabulary and thought we were int he 20th century) so that's a problem.
Anyways, in the photog room, listening to music with anonymous.


This weekend has been very dramatic and wonderful and sad.
Friday was full of cake and reunion.
Saturday was happy, quiet, and painful.
Sunday was rainy and lovely.

I feel very in limbo right now, emotion-wise. Sadness and happiness are floating in some sort of liquid mass, sort of like that which comes from the chests of people in Donnie Darko.
This song feels like it sums up this weekend very well.
I dunno. Is it strange that I feel very, not numb, just neutral. About a lot of things.
And i'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.

by Horse Feathers

There's a weather warning, and the rain and wind are phenomenal.
They will whisper my lullaby tonight.
I need your light, in my life,
your light, in my life.

Nihilistic lyrics, beautiful band.
Their album is conceptual and cohesive, and the video is wonderful.