
"Meaningless! Meaningless!"
says the teacher.
"Everything is meaningless!"
Today I got a haircut, and it's long on one side, and super short on the other side. I think I might get the short side shaved before I go back to school.
A lot has transpired. I would like to chronicle my month in Europe here, in a hindsight-ish sort of way, but there's simply too much. Here are some pictures from Provence and Cassis.
We ate Sorbet every night, well sorbet or gelato. It was fantastic, all the flavours, all extremely natural and rich. And healthy.

Another crazy thing was that you'd go to a beach, and it would be like, a beach PLUS a mountain with ruins like these on it. This is at Cassis, a beautiful town in Southern France.

What a beautiful town. I adore the buildings. They all hold so much history.


Who are you? Oh, you are a blog. I see.
Well for the last four weeks I have been in Europe,
and now I am home, scrambling around, like a chicken with my head cut off,
what a lovely metaphor,
and am collecting myself.
The new arcade fire album is literally the best thing to happen to music, ever.